Flaunt Hair Salon embraces the power of Social Media Marketing for Small Business.
An established small business of 5 years, Flaunt Salon not only rallied its loyal clientele to “proclaim their beauty”… they did it themselves through Facebook! Having weathered the tough economy and more well known local competitors, Flaunt launched a new online identity in conjunction with their new location in the posh suburbs of Brookfield, WI.
The Challenge
As with many local small businesses, Flaunt Salon owner Carrie Drewa had a limited amount of time and resources to commit to achieving her small business marketing goals. The choice was made to focus on building a completely customized Facebook Page to serve as both a new corporate website as well as a way to interact directly with customers. Our goals were enhanced by incorporating and optimizing free local marketing tools such as Google Places and Foursquare.
The Solution
Custom Design
With little more than a custom logo and color scheme to work with our design team created a brand new online identity for Flaunt Salon. Analysis of the local competitive market revealed that optimizing a Facebook presence would set the business apart from those relying solely on conventional “corporate” websites. In addition it would serve as an easy way to communicate with current customers as well as get back in touch with past clientele.
A customized and interactive Facebook Page and Application was developed to serve as a micro website. A featured information tab complete with Google Maps integration, gives users an overview of the physical location as well as a look inside. Individual sub-pages for each team member highlight the individual skills and accomplishments of stylist as well as add a more personalized approach in connecting with customers. In addition a “Specials” sub-page displays current or ongoing promotions.
The Facebook page was designed to be a fully functional website without leaving the “Welcome” tab. Current fans of the page can still easily access each of the pages via custom tabs within the Facebook navigation menu.
Email Marketing
Email Marketing strategies were also developed and initiated. To coincide with the Grand Opening of the new physical location, a customer loyalty promotion was established incentivising customers to visit the new location.
Facebook Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
In coordination with the launch of the Facebook Page and Email Marketing campaigns, Facebook Pay Per click advertising campaigns were also implemented. The highly targeted ad campaigns introduced the business locally to the new neighborhood as well as attracted fans of the page, and more importantly, customers in the doors!
The success of Flaunt Salon’s small business marketing efforts are true example that limited resources do not mean limited possibilities!
Visit Flaunt Salon’s Facebook Page here.
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